
Start coding today and earn crypto with CodeStake.

Earning Crypto, Reimagined

One Platform. Infinite Limits.

The global platform for developers to earn cryptocurrency by competing in head-to-head programming challenges


A Unique Platform

CodeStake is a platform like no other. Giving users the ability to practice their data structures and algorithms skill whilst earning crypto is something never seen before.

  • Free To Sign Up

  • Practice Your Skills

  • Win Some Crypto



There are no limits to how you can compete. CodeStake is a global platform that allows users to compete with anyone around the world

  • Random matchmaking allows for endless possibilities of competition

  • Compete wherever you want - whenever you want

  • See where you rank amongst the world on the leaderboard


Skills in software industry

CodeStake helps users build upon their skills in the software industry, more specifically in Data Structures and Algorithms.

  • Ranging from easy beginner questions to interview questions asked by Amazon

  • Wanna brush up on a specific data structure? Filter by arrays, linked lists, heaps, queues, trees, etc.

  • With new questions every week, learning never stops

How It Works

Learn how CodeStake works and how you can get involved. We have a lot of challenges to solve, so we need your help. We are a community of developers who are passionate about solving problems.